The Story of Mission

Limited Edition Boba 4G - Mission Designed by Gabby Caperon
Mission was named and photographed by our Assistant Creative Director and Babywearing Educator, Alyson de Recat.
I grew up in southern California, just a few minutes down the road from the Mission in San Juan Capistrano. I regularly walked by the beautiful grounds as a child, did countless reports on it's history and could recite the story of the swallows for anyone who asked. Not until I reached adulthood did I truly realize how much I had taken this wondrous place for granted. When Gabby designed this print I was immediately filled with nostalgia thinking of the textured walls and crumbling buildings where the swallows return to each year.

After naming the print, I had the privilege of photographing my cousin Erika and her sweet daughter Iris (who live in SJC around the corner from the Mission) when I was home visiting. We spent the day under blue skies laughing and reminiscing about when we were Iris' age, skipping around the mission without a care in the world. Now it's a place that we can return to together, year after year, just like the swallows.
You can read about the history of the Mission San Juan Capistrano here.
- Tags: From The Heart Stories