Reflections on a Challenging Breastfeeding Year

I read an article a few years ago... titled Mom’s Passionate Post Is For Every Mother Who Has Struggled To Breastfeed and at first look, a soft flood of compassionate tenderness welled up in my...

Significantly Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By Breastfeeding More Than Two Years

In China, nursing a toddler is socially acceptable. It is even perceived as desirable for a woman to nurse her baby for a long time. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology on lactating...

Breastmilk: No Assembly Required

Nursing can take a little while to get the hang of as a new mom but I can not stress enough how much it pays off. Nursing my first child was hard at first because...

A Mother's Adventures in Breastfeeding and Nursing

The nursing relationship that I share with my 19-month-old son is precious to my family. Growing up in a rather conservative mid-western environment, I saw women breastfeed their young babies until about six months, but...

Your Baby's Breastfeeding Cues

This terrific graphic developed and published by the Women's and Newborn Services of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) offers new mothers and other caregivers a means to identify and meet their baby's hunger...

Breastfeeding on Demand: a Cross-Cultural Perspective

I discovered the work of Gwen Dewar, Ph.D when covered her 2008 work on breastfeeding on demand, also known as "baby-led" and "on-cue" feeding. The basis of this practice is that babies, with the...

10 Reasons to Breastfeed in Public

Breastfeeding in public is, sadly, still a controversial topic. Way too often I come across comments, blogs, and tweets that seem to think that nursing a baby is akin to urinating on a public park...

Breast Milk Contains More Than 700 Species of Beneficial Bacteria

More research dollars than ever are being put toward the discovery and a better understanding of what is already well known and promoted worldwide, that Breast is Best. And that breastfed babies are healthier and...

10 Good Reasons to Breastfeed Past One Year

1. "Nursing makes the job of mothering easier, not harder." Norma Jean Bumgarner This has got to be one of my favorite reasons. Of course, it's so good for the child but also what mom...