Introducing A Wish to Build a Dream On

Isn't this the perfect art to adorn your carrier- your holding place- for your babe?
There was a time when all I wanted was to quit every mundane commitment, sell everything and just see the world. I figured I’d probably end up in love, settling down in some little seaside community with a patio full of flowering plants and a little art studio in a back bedroom. And wouldn’t you know it? That’s exactly what I did. My daughter was born in that little house by the sea with the art studio in a back bedroom. Wishes build dreams, and dreams are powerful things, I can attest.
Fast-forward a few years later and some times I still feel that surge of wanderlust. Wanting to pick up and move from known to unknown. The challenge. The zest. The change from comfort and familiarity to discovery and new perspective. I certainly experienced all of this when she was born!
Sometimes we do visit far off lands, and ride the winds over land, air and sea. But now I cherish how the little things, the small daily commitments, right here at home, that help bring my dreams to life. It's the baby steps that get me there - propelling me toward my vision that I have for myself.
My daughter is growing into her own independent beautiful self. She has her own dreams. It is my wish that she will be a confident actor in her own play and that she write her own script with all of her big wishes in it. I think we all wish this for our children.
It's really something special to work with Cecilia Mok - mother, and visual artist behind our latest limited edition baby carrier:
“The original concept for 'A Wish to Build a Dream On' was to create a hopeful and aspirational design to encourage our hearts to explore, dream and discover. I wanted to capture a magical sense of making a wish for your future – to travel to far off lands; to read and discover new worlds or write your own story; to dive deep and to fly high.”

“There were multiple concept sketches before I found the layout I wanted to use – I wanted a sense of flow and movement in the design which would feel like blowing the seeds of a dandelion into the air to carry your hopes and dreams. When I redrew the art, I layered in watercolour textures to the elements. A recurring symbol in my designs is hair. To me, hair is an extension of the spirit, it is a way to visualize the emotions within, where the heart is taking us, up and away, drifting on the breeze or floating like a dream.”

“There are three colourways of this design and two coordinating fabrics ('Seabird Dreaming' and 'A Wish on Clouds and Stars') which complement the dreamy mood of the story. I hope this design story evokes a feeling of discovery and wonder.”

Yes Cecilia. Your wish has come true. I look at it and feel feelings of discovery and wonder.

And my it's gorgeous.
- Tags: Behind Our Designs Stories