Mom’s Who Inspire: Holli Zollinger

Mom’s Who Inspire: Holli Zollinger
Here at Boba we often get questions about where our beautiful designs come from, and with the new Boba 3G print collection there is one name that seems to be coming up every few minutes. Holli Zollinger is not only the amazing designer of both the Lila and Soho prints as part of the new Boba 3G collection, but also a fills her day with her 3 ½ year old son and the duties of living on a rural farm in Northern Utah.
I had the opportunity to talk to Holli recently and learn a little bit more about her family, her inspiration and her passion as both a mom and a designer. Naturally the first thing that comes to mind when talking to Holli is where she is finding the inspiration for her beautiful fabric designs!

“Actually, I didn’t really set out to become a Fabric Designer. An acquaintance of mine told me about Spoonflower (an online, on demand, fabric site) when it was still Beta, in the beginning phases. I decided to try it out and after the first year I couldn’t stop, I was hooked! It was like a missing piece of the puzzle. I realized it was a large part of my passion as an artist and a unique way of expressing myself. In fact, when I was 5 years old, my sister and I were lying in bed trying to fall asleep. We asked each other what we think about before we fall asleep and I replied “I think of material.” Little did I know how much that would become my reality and how much my family would tease me because of it!”

It’s no wonder that, with a story like that, Holli has quickly become one of our fav designers. Her inspiration springs from just about everything around us - magazines, design blogs, and appreciating her surroundings. Holli truly captures design elements that make all of us awe in amazement.

Naturally, when asked about projects she is proud of, Holli announced that Boba is something she is particularly proud of, and went on to say “The great thing about Spoonflower is how it opened the designing market right up! Because of this, I get approached by wonderful companies wanting to add my design style to their products.”

Holli has been listed as one of our Moms Who Inspire not only because we love her collection, but because she has built an incredible business based on her passion for design while being a loving, single mother to a beautiful little boy all at the same time.

Holli Zollinger

Thank you Holli for being an inspiration to us all, and for helping create our beautiful carrier collection.

If you want to learn more about Holli and follow her work, please take a moment to check out her blog.

For those of you who are not familiar with Spoonflower, I encourage you to not only check out Holli’s amazing gallery, but to peruse the collections of all the designers sharing their passion with fans all over the world at