Adventures In Babywearing: Airport Cruising Edition

We've all been there, or seen it, so many times (well, at least as many times as we've navigated security to get to our departure gate): families struggling with babies and toddlers, and all their stuff, namely the big bulky stroller that sometimes barely fits through xray and leaves mom or dad (or both) holding their little with no hands free for all the other stuff. Here, moms inspire us to go hands-free for take-off with the help of their trusty baby carriers and baby wraps. As you'll read, babywearing while traveling can really make life easier and comfy for everyone! ------ Heather eases through security and beyond with a little help from her baby wrap...Two summers ago I was traveling alone with my 17 month old son (I was also 5 months pregnant). I could not have managed without my Boba Wrap. I had the carseat, a carry on and my very excited little boy. I watched the families in front of me going through security with their strollers and having to take their children out and try and get them to walk thru the metal detectors. When it was my turn, the TSA agents loved the wrap, joked that I had something growing on me, and I walked right through. When I wear my baby I don't have to remove my child or the carrier/wrap to pass thru security. I picked up our things and was to my gate before the family in front of us had everything back together. It was so easy! Once on the plane my little guy wanted to be more mobile and face front. I was so thankful I was wearing the wrap because it was so easy to get him out and still was comfortable to leave on for the plane ride. When we arrived at our destination it was as simple as tucking him right back in and picking up our bag and carseat. I loved that I could have my hands free to deal with luggage and travel papers and I didn't have to chase a toddler all over the place or worry about maneuvering a stroller through crowds of people. My son loved it because he was where he felt the safest in new situations and he could still see all the new exciting things going on around us! - Heather Shannon gets through security, then off the plane in a jiffy... I have worn my first son through the airport on multiple trips. It was especially helpful while we were standing in the security line. I did not have to worry about him running off and I could keep my hands free to carry my purse, diaper bag and carry on. It was also helpful when I was traveling on my own with him through the airport. I put our things in the stroller and had my son close to me. I did not have a second child at the time.
Though security made me remove him from the carrier and send the carrier through the xray, I was able to get all of my items on the xray tray before having to take him out of the carrier which was helpful. I did have difficulty on the other side though because all of the stuff came out before the carrier came out. Once he was back in the carrier though it was smooth sailing again through the terminal. I have a Boba Carrier. It was really useful during travel because at the time we were using it for back carries and I find that it is really easy to get my son in and out of. The distribution of weight is also really helpful when you have a long way to walk from security to terminal and then to baggage claim. It also gave me piece of mind because I wasn't having to worry that he was going to run off while I was trying to gather all of our things. I have flown with a different mainstream carrier and Boba was much easier to get my child in and out of for all of the times I was required to take him out during our trips. It was also much more comfortable to carry him in the Boba. The passengers around me were really helpful and amazed at how I was able to get him into the Boba on my back without assistance when we landed. They asked if I needed help and then checked our position since there were no mirrors. Boba has enriched our lives by allowing me to get the things I need to get done on my own while still caring for my son. - Shannon Jen finds peace of mind in the travel dashes and saunters home and abroad... Frankly, I will be very sad when the day comes that I can’t wear the kids in the airport or through unfamiliar places. I still find going through security challenging as everywhere I’ve been they still require I take the children out of the carrier. I traveled as recently as the end of April 2012 and still had to take my guy out of his carrier. However, I’ve worn my eldest through customs and passport control in Moscow Russia, London England, and domestically to California (from MA). Many of these trips I made alone and baby wearing gave me the peace of mind that my child was safe, gave my child the comfort that they weren’t lost in a sea of legs and baggage, and allowed us to move through the terminal at a grown-up pace. There was one time he was on my back and wailing as we raced from one gate to another because he wanted down. However, we pushed through to our gate, made our flight, and he was able to get out and move around. We have never traveled with our stroller even though we bought a travel case, etc. for it. It just makes more sense to wear the kids. I get a chuckle from parents that are staunch about NOT baby wearing or find it amusing to see the people that DO baby wear. I’m just grateful for the safety, comfort, and security it provides my children and myself. On a side note, I’d like to extend a sincere Thank You to Boba. I’m part of the Boston Baby Wearers and participated in the Flash Mob in 2011 where Boba donated a number of carriers. It was through this event that I received a carrier. It has become an integral part of our parenting toolbox. It travels with me everywhere and is used for any carry over 30 minutes. I am truly grateful for your generosity and have enjoyed sharing its benefits with those I’ve encountered. - Jen Deborah's easy babywearing travels inspired a full write-up... Deborah is a Boba Ambassador and wrote a whole blog post on her airport adventures with baby. Here's an excerpt, but read the whole story on her inspiring blog As Time Flies.
When going through an airport one thing that you notice is parents with young children. They are either trying to push a stroller and their luggage, or chasing after a young toddler and trying not to leave their luggage alone. This is especially the case when traveling alone with a child. My flight to Ontario was my first time flying with Capri. I have flown all over the world so it was not a big deal for me and I knew the airports well enough. I also knew that I was taking only carry on and I was not about to try and push an umbrella stroller (the only stroller we own) through an airport while dragging my baggage... (read more). - Deborah No travel hassles for Brandi, and feeding on the go is a charm... I've travelled domestically three times now with my 7.5 month old. Our first trip was when he was 6 weeks old and I've worn him every time. I've never had to remove him from the carrier for the metal detector, though my hands are tested for explosive residue before I can head to the gate. Hes stays happy, I don't have to wrangle a stroller, and it's super easy to nurse him (I love feeding him in the Boba Carrier). Every trip we've managed to get away with taking only carry on baggage, which we couldn't do without the Boba. The last trip I took with him alone and I fully believe he and I both would have melted down if not for babywearing. With the Boba? No drama and I can't wait to do it again next month. Traveling with the wee one has been easier than I could have imagined because of the Boba. - Brandi Krista converts her stroller to a luggage cart and babywears right through security... I worn my five month old when I was flying to my parents' house from my father in-law's. It was an unexpected trip - we had left home suddenly upon getting news that my mother in law had passed. Thankfully, I had remembered to grab a sling-style carrier, a HotSling. I borrowed a small stroller from a family member for our airport time, if nothing else to help hold carry on bags. I figured it would be easiest to wear him and use the stroller for our things but wasn't sure if I would be questioned on wearing a child at the checkpoint. This was in 2008, so post 9/11 but pre-patdowns and crazy scanners. It worked perfectly, I was able to place all of my items on the belt, fold up the stroller, and go through the metal detector while wearing him. I can't remember if he slept through that, but I know he was calm and peaceful through the whole ordeal. I loved having a place to put all my junk when I went to the restroom before boarding. The flight was easy as well, and I nursed him on every plane we were on that trip, my first real nursing in public experience! - Krista