Top 10 Reasons to Use a Baby Carrier

Top 10 Reasons to Use a Baby Carrier

1. With you is your baby’s favorite place to be.

After nine months of being as close as can be your baby wants almost nothing else but to be with his or her parent.

Small baby peacefully sleeping on mom's chest

2. Baby Carriers and Wraps make for easy nursing access.

Baby and mama are ready for feeding or comforting at any moment and no one can even tell unless they are baby wearing experts too.

Calm baby breastfeeding in Boba Air carrier

3. In busy or crowded places baby is safe with the parent.

Baby carriers make it possible for parents to go to places where strollers would be hard to maneuver and a toddler walking wouldn’t even be an option. Attached to their parent is the safest place for a baby!

4. Wherever you are, baby can nap in the carrier!

Your baby is always comfy enough to fall asleep when ready in a carrier. No worrying about finding a place to lay baby down while out and about or having to keep checking if they’ve woken up. Just snuggling and milky (as we call it).

Newborn baby sleeping on confident mom's chest

5. Sitting with legs flexed in this position is the best way for your baby to be carried.

Check out this article "How Your Babies Body is Adapted to Being Carried" by Boba founder Elizabeth Antunouvic about how carriers keep babies in an ergonomically perfect position.

Deep seat of baby in soft wrap

6. Wearing babies in carriers makes everyday tasks such as cooking and shopping easier for you and your baby.

Parents know that keeping their babies content is unfortunately not the only task to be conquered. Carriers help moms get stuff done and keep babies happy at the same time.

baby sleeping in soft cotton baby wrap while mom is shopping for groceries

7. Baby is always learning and entertained by watching mom's or dad's lives.

Babies in carriers are always watching the action. Normal tasks for us are pretty interesting for babies and being with mom or dad teaches them all kinds of things that babies stuck in a crib or playpen would never see.

8. Wearing a baby in a carrier makes it easier to care for siblings.

You always have an extra hand or two to make food or play games! Also you are always modeling attentive natural parenting to your children.

Mom having fun with a baby and toddler and their chicken at a farm

9. Wearing your baby in a wrap or carrier shows the world that you are committed to the best for your baby.

It spreads the idea of babywearing, exposing it to people who might have never known about it otherwise.

10 . Because it makes you and your baby happy and that’s the most important thing!

Happy mom snuggling her curious baby