Oh, sleep. The always sought-after prize of adulthood. Somewhere along the line we stop trying to avoid sleep and realize it's pretty much the best thing ever. For parents, there just never seems to be enough. Sleep is almost even optional... not in the sense that we get to choose whether we sleep, nope. Our kids choose and we just have to deal.
Parents, especially moms, have literally evolved to function with sleep deprivation, even waking at the slightest peep from our little one regardless of how exhausted we are. In the midst of it all, it seems like we'll never survive the baby years.
There are a few things that make life with babies easier and a million times simpler though. Babies need very basic things: food, sleep, and physical closeness. So if you want to really simplify baby care, all you need is a baby carrier, your boobs, and your bed!